VICOR News October 2012

Nové vydání Newsletteru VICOR odpovídá na aktuální dotazy a problémy. – Factorized Power Architecture – Nová série internetových seminářů „Webinars“ – Problematika AC-DC Front Ends

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October 2012
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Welcome to the latest round-up of stories from Vicor PowerBlog.

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Factorized Power Architecture Delivers Maximum Efficiency
and Density with Design Flexibility »
In the drive to reduce distribution losses and improve overall system efficiency and density, power architectures are continually evolving. Learn more about the impact of a new architecture on an important industry trend, the migration towards lower voltages and higher currents.

Build Your Power Expertise: New Webinar Series »
Drawing on Vicor’s expertise – built up over 30 years at the forefront of the power conversion industry – we’ve developed a series of webinars. Key challenges facing electronics engineers are addressed and some of the latest technology trends discussed. Find out more.

Need More than a Switch to Low-Energy Light Bulbs »
Reducing wasted energy by improving efficiency is important. Really important! In March 2010, the European Union identified five key targets for the next 10 years. Read how energy efficiency can be improved through changes in the way electronics equipment is powered.

What’s the Problem with AC-DC Front Ends? »
While front-end AC-DC converters have changed significantly in terms of efficiency, density, and regulations, power factor issues continue to encumber the users of these supplies. Read more.

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